Time to marry the maple top with the mahogany back
I do this with a LOT of clamps. Most notably is the giant home made clamp I made using a huge hunk of hard maple and two long pieces of all thread. The purpose of this clamp is to apply a lot of clamping force directly in the center of the body where the bridge will sit. None of the other clamps can reach into the middle.
It’s important to have good clamping there in the center so you don’t wind up with a thick glue pocket in between the mahogany and maple where the bridge sits. Perfect, tight joints make for much better transmission of vibrations.
I put a template against the mahogany back so the clamps don’t make big ugly dents.
It doesn’t matter so much with the maple because that gets all carved away when the top is carved.
After the glue cures, 24 hours for the UF glue, I can take it out of the clamps, and then use the routing table and a different spiral bit to trim the excess maple to be flush with the mahogany.
Attending to the mahogany back, notice how sharp the corners are…
This roundover bit in the router table will round that corner over and make it more appealing both visually, and also more comfortable
Much better.