Well Ive been slowly but surely dialing in what are (to me) the best parts and materials for a custom Stratocaster and I’m rolling them all into one, maybe final, “ultimate” Stratocaster build I’m calling the “Fuego Strat”
As far as materials go, I have achieved what I consider to be the best tone using mostly your standard materials with a couple small twists.
Fuego is spanish for fire or flame, but can also mean passion, which seems fitting for this guitar for a number of different reasons
1. Amazing neck made of a highly figured piece of hard maple. The type of figure of course is often referred to as a flame figure
2. The bigleaf maple drop top also has a flame finish of a different pattern, but very striking and actually even more “flamey”
3. I’m going to make the bridge, neck mounting plate, and output jack plate from twist pattern damascus steel which I will forge myself in my shop. The patterns will hopefully match well with the body and neck figure and of course damascus steel is made in my forge and on my anvil and I cant imagine a hotter and more fiery origin than that 🙂
Well, enough yammering. Lets get started
The neck